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Presidential Decree n.º 271/20 of 20th October (Regime Jurídico do Conteúdo Local do Sector dos Petróleos) established the "exclusivity regime", whereby only 100% Angolan-owned entities may provide certain services to companies in the Oil & Gas industry, subjecting the contracting entities to penalties in case of non-compliance.
Among the services included in the “exclusivity regime”, according to the lists published in 2021 by Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis (ANPG), are “Insurance Brokerage” services.
Zillian is a 100% Angolan-owned insurance broker, duly registered and authorized by Agência Angolana de Regulação e Supervisão de Seguros (ARSEG), which means our clients are in full compliance with the above-mentioned law, while counting on the experience and professionalism of Aon’s exclusive correspondent in Angola, a leading global professional services firm providing insurance and reinsurance brokerage services.
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